Query: How do I find the hardware version on my TP-Link Device?

Answer: You can find the hardware version on the back panel of the TP-Link device. On the printed panel, you will see a character string next to the serial number that looks like “VER X.X”.

Query: How do I configure the Wireless settings of my TP-Link Router?

Answer: Launch a browser and enter the tplinkwifi.net or tplinklogin.net in the address bar. Log in to the Tplink quick setup wizard page with the tplink username and password. Select the wireless settings and create the network SSID and password. Next, configure the security settings such as WPA/WPA2. Once you have done, save the settings.

Query: I forgot tplink username and password. What can I do?

Answer: If you forget the login credentials of your TP-Link device then the best solution is tplink reset router. Press and hold the reset button on your TP-Link device. Once completed, set up the TP-Link router using the tplink quick setup wizard.

Query: What is the default IP address for my TP-Link device?

Answer: tplink setup is the default IP address for the TP-Link router.